Simon Lycett

Simon Lycett Ambassador National Florist Day

Why did you decide to be a florist?  

It is all I have ever wanted to do!  38 years ago, at the age of 7, I fell in love with flowers, plants and horticulturalists in all and every form at a local – I lived in Warwick – village flower show. From that moment I knew what I wanted to do.  Work with flowers and plants in all their glory. 


How did it start? 

Even though I was entering competitions and making flowers for friends in my teens my parents insisted I went to college, so I did a Humanities degree but knew it wasn’t for me so applied for a job in London.  I started with Robert Day, moved onto Pulbrook and Gould – best experience ever – and then decided to go out on my own.  I had some amazing gigs – like doing the Jim Henson memorial service – but the big break was when a film stylist suggested I pitch to do the flowers for Four Weddings and a Funeral.  I pitched for one, got asked to do all four and whilst it was the hardest job of my life, a big break that literally opened the doors wide open. 

Now I am lucky enough to work on some amazing projects … for a whole host of wonderful people and in locations that at the age of seven I couldn’t even begin to dream of.  


What’s the best part of your job?  

The Flowers, the Florists, and the Flower Friends we make along the way! 


What’s the worst part?  



Why do you think National Florist Day is important?

There are amazing, creative, talented, hard-working artists across the UK, many running one-woman and one-man businesses, under challenging circumstances. These are the fabulous Florists of Britain! And we should celebrate, support and cherish each and every one of them.

Florists work with transient and perishable plant material to create beauty, joy and magic. They knock the rough edges off life, adding scent, colour and happiness. Florists support their local community, providing a Floral Hug at times of sadness and making magic at times of celebration. 

Without them, choosing flowers for the funeral of a loved one, or planning what beautiful blooms would work with a bridal gown would become a soul-less and sterile on-line transaction. Florists are so often an essential part of other folks Celebrations, and now National Florist Day enables you to celebrate the Florist! Hurrah! 


What would you say to another florist thinking about getting involved?  

DO IT! Enjoy a chance to celebrate one another, to celebrate yourself and raise the profile of Florists across the Nation.  


Why should someone consider a career in floristry?  

Because they will see and sense the beauty in working with one of most magical of mediums all artists have at their fingertips, flowers! 

How to contact Simon Lycett

“There are amazing, creative, talented, hard-working artists across the UK, many running businesses on their own and under challenging circumstances. These are the fabulous Florists of Britain! National Florist Day is our chance to celebrate, support and cherish each and every one of them.”
Simon Lycett
Simon J Lycett , London