Join the
Meet the Magic Maker

How Take Part
The challenge is simple: tell the world YOUR story! Between the 3rd and 7th of June, post content on your Facebook and Instagram accounts using our prompts below; make new friends and discover phenomenal new talent. Use the hashtags #flowermagician, #nationalfloristday and #proudtobeaflorist to take part.
How did your floristry journey begin?
Tell us the story of how it all started for you.
Favourite element of your work?
Which aspect of your job really gets your fire burning?
A day in the life of a Florist?
Takes us through a typical day – the ins and outs, the ups and downs.
Something only a Florist would know?
Tell us something that goes on behind the scenes.
What was your best business decision?
What has had the biggest impact on your business?